About the California Image & our resource: "ModelFitness.org",
We produce model fitness photography for clients and additionally produce and distribute managed fitness stock photography. If your company depicts health and fitness let us provide you with the ideal image of health and fitness.
Our talent agency has several dozen fitness models of various looks, fitness backgrounds and experience. We also have physical trainers available to fine tune our fitness photo shoots. Let us know what you need and we can find the right fitness model and setting to create your ideal sports or fitness photo shoot. We are based in sunny scenic California and have a number of venues and idyllic locations available to produce fitness photo shoots.
Our fitness stock photography images are available as single images, photo sets to full photo dvds.
Pick the images and option that best fit your fitness photography needs.
If your business, website or general marketing needs require images depicting weightloss, fitness, athletics/sports,
physical training, or a general a healthy lifestyle, we can create "THE SHOT" that you need.
Or simply browse our stock fitness image collection and find the photos that work best for you.
Copyrighted. Please read:
These images cannot be used, downloaded or distributed without a license.
Single application licenses are included with each purchase. Each photograph is assigned a digital signature that we use for tracking.
Images that are used without license are subject to legal action. Strict standards enforcement: We reserve the right to request "intent to use", and approve/ deny purchases accordingly.